p:wrap 013

Testing the new (in 3.1) attributes option on p:wrap

Test ab-wrap-013.xml is expected to pass.

The pipeline

<p:declare-step xmlns:p="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc" name="pipeline" version="3.0">
   <p:output port="result"/>
   <p:wrap match="element" wrapper="wrapper" attributes="map{'wrapped': true()}">

Schematron validation

<s:schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:s="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron" queryBinding="xslt2">
      <s:rule context="/">
         <s:assert test="doc">Root element is not 'doc'.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="doc/*[1]/local-name() = 'not-matched'">First child of 'doc' is not 'not-matched'.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="doc/*[2]/local-name() = 'wrapper'">Second child of 'doc' is not 'wrapper'.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="doc/*[2]/@wrapped = 'true'">The wrapped attribute is incorrect on first wrapper.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="doc/*[3]/local-name() = 'wrapper'">Third child of 'doc' is not 'wrapper'.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="doc/*[3]/@wrapped = 'true'">The wrapped attribute is incorrect on second wrapper.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="doc/*[4]/local-name() = 'not-matched'">Forth child of 'doc' is not 'not-matched'.</s:assert>

Revision history

01 Feb 2025, Norm Tovey-Walsh

Created test.