Static variables/option 009

Tests that a static option can be used in option short-cut.

Test ab-static-option-var-009.xml is expected to pass.

The pipeline

<p:declare-step xmlns:p="" name="main" version="3.0">
   <p:output port="result"/>
   <p:option static="true" name="static-option" select="18"/>
   <p:add-attribute match="/doc" attribute-name="a" attribute-value="{$static-option}">
MorganaXProc passing XML Calabash passing

Schematron validation

<s:schema xmlns="" xmlns:s="" queryBinding="xslt2">
   <s:ns prefix="c" uri=""/>
      <s:rule context="/">
         <s:assert test="doc">The pipeline root is not “doc”.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="doc/@a">"doc" does not have an attribute 'a'.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="doc/@a='18'">Value of doc/@a is not '18'.</s:assert>

Revision history

10 Jun 2021, Achim Berndzen

Added attribute 'queryBinding' to schematron's schema.

11 Oct 2018 18:16, Achim Berndzen

Initial test