Checks not required option with no default value and no value supplied evaluates as empty sequence.
Test ab-option-014.xml is expected to pass.
<p:declare-step xmlns:p="" version="3.0">
<p:output port="result"/>
<p:option name="option" required="false"/>
<p:variable name="var" select="$option"/>
<s:schema xmlns="" xmlns:s="" queryBinding="xslt2">
<s:rule context="/">
<s:assert test="doc">The pipeline root is not doc.</s:assert>
<s:assert test="count(doc/node())=1">The root element does not have exactly one child.</s:assert>
<s:assert test="count(doc/text())=1">The root element does not have exactly one text child.</s:assert>
<s:assert test="doc/text()='0'">The root element does not have a text child '0'.</s:assert>
Added attribute 'queryBinding' to schematron's schema.
New tests. Some tests changed to new order in p:pipe
added new tests