Add-attribute-015 (AB)

Tests adding attribute with match's default value.

Test ab-add-attribute-015.xml is expected to pass.

The pipeline

<p:declare-step xmlns:p="" version="3.0">
   <p:output port="result"/>
   <p:add-attribute attribute-value="5" attribute-name="att">
MorganaXProc passing XML Calabash passing

Schematron validation

<s:schema xmlns:s="" queryBinding="xslt2">
      <s:rule context="/">
         <s:assert test="doc">The document root is not doc.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="doc/@att">There is not attribute "att" at doc.</s:assert>
         <s:assert test="doc/@att=5">Value of attribute "att" is not 5.</s:assert>

Revision history

10 Jun 2021, Achim Berndzen

Added attribute 'queryBinding' to schematron's schema.

16 Feb 2019, Achim Berndzen

Added new tests for p:add-attribute.